Family Osswald

Family Osswald

This is the Homepage of the Family Osswald, located in 89522 Heidenheim, in Germany (old Europe).

There's not much to say about us. If you want to mail one of us, use one of the following Adresses:

Hans-Ulrich Osswaldhans (at) f am-os (dot) org
Baerbel Illenberger-Osswaldbaerbel (at ) fam-os (dot) org
Jonas Osswaldjonas (at) fam-os (dot) org; jo.II.03 (at) fam -os (dot) org
Till Osswaldtill (at) fam-os (dot) org

(at) becomes @
(dot) becomes .

jo.II.03 is only valid in the second half of the year 2003. This Adress is used for SPAM related things like USENET.